To these authors, booktalking extends well beyond the traditional idea of getting in front of an audience with books in hand and short summaries or lures on the lips. They teach how to incorporate audio and video, and how to use technology to spice up text-driven "talks." The publisher notes this book is for grades 6 to 12, but I think younger students can apply many of these concepts, and certainly librarians and teachers in elementary schools can. -- Jen
The chapters cover these topics: Booktalking concepts -- Booktalk technology -- Text-based booktalks -- Creating or locating images -- Presentation booktalks -- Audio booktalks -- Creating or obtaining audio -- Video booktalks -- Booktalking kiosks -- Online resources for booktalks -- Assessment
From the Publisher's Description:
Want to add some pizzazz to your booktalks and motivate young readers? Here are simple but powerful ideas and instructions for integrating technology into your presentations, and using booktalks to launch learning across the curriculum. You'll discover how to use your existing technology to make enhanced booktalks to use with students-video, audio, and text; how to integrate the booktalks into the curriculum to meet standards; and how to extend the excitement with online book discussions. Lesson plans and a wealth of examples, strategies, and resource links make implementation a breeze. Grades 6-12.