Holt, Leslie Edmonds and Holt, Glen E. Public Library Services for the Poor: Doing All We Can. Chicago: ALA, 2010. 027.6 Holt ISBN 978-0838910504
Among public institutions, the library has great potential for helping the poor and disenfranchised. For many, the library is the only refuge for information, literacy, entertainment, language skills, employment help, free computer use and even safety and shelter. Experts Glen and Leslie Holt, with decades of service to inner city communities between them, challenge librarians to do more for poor people. While recognizing the financial crunch libraries are under, the authors offer concrete advice about programs and support for this unique group, showing you how to
Train staff to meet the unique needs of the poor, including youth
Cooperate with other agencies in order to form partnerships and collaborations that enrich library services to the poor and homeless
Find help, financial and other, for your library
This ground-breaking work demonstrates how five Key Action Areas adopted by the ALA Council (Diversity, Equity of Access, Education and Continuous Learning, Intellectual Freedom, and 21st Century Literacy) apply especially to this disadvantaged population, and motivates librarians to use creative solutions to meet their needs.