Today mobile outreach is more vital and diverse than ever, with librarians taking it to the streets for senior citizens, childcare organizations, immigrants and low-literate populations, urban and rural communities, prisoners, low-income populations, and other traditionally underserved public library populations.
The first book of its kind in more than two decades, On the Road with Outreach: Mobile Library Services provides step-by-step guidance for those wishing to initiate or improve outreach services in their communities. The essays collected here come from some of the best-known movers and shakers in the mobile outreach field—all of them subject experts and active outreach practitioners. Focusing on the practicalities of establishing and maintaining service to various populations, the book covers everything from design, purchase, maintenance, and automation of bookmobiles to planning and promotion and serving specific populations. Anecdotes, as well as sample service agreements, contracts, applications, staff schedules, and other working documents enhance the text.
- Includes the Association of Bookmobiles and Outreach Services guidelines, sample marketing materials, sample letters and policy statements, a complete set of bookmobile specifications, checklists, and sample service schedules
- Subject-specific bibliographies suggest further reading on bookmobiles, library services to immigrants, senior citizens, children, and prisoners, strategic planning, and staffing
- A glossary of mobile automation terms explains satellite, cellular, and radio connectivity