Bullying in schools remains a problem. If you're looking for a way to broach the subject with students, try discussing books with bullying as a theme. This resource was designed for that purpose by a retired high school English teacher and was reviewed positively in the October 2009 issue of School Libary Journal and August 2009's Voya. -- Jen
"C. J. Bott has written this sequel [to The Bully in the Book and in the Classroom] to help those who work with children and young adults become familiar with books that address the problem of bullying. More Bullies in More Books presents over 350 annotated titles, from picture books to high school books, dealing with bullying. Chapters address specific bullying behaviors or problems: name calling, putdowns, and gossip; being new and different; body image; cliques, groups, and gangs; "isms;" homophobia; cyberspace; and violence.
Each chapter begins with an introduction that describes the harassment seen most often in each grade level and contains relevant books at all reading levels. Every entry features an in-depth summary, activities, and quotes from the book for students to discuss." -- From the book's description