Monday, January 5, 2015

Make It Here (book)

Mathew Hamilton and Dara Hanke Schmidt. (2015). Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library. Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited. 978-1-61069-554-1.

*This book appears to be about makerspaces for upper elementary children, 'tweens, teens, and adults.

Libraries of all sizes and resource levels are finding ways to support community innovation and creativity through maker programming—and successful programs don't require dedicating an entire area of the library to makerspace activities or sophisticated technologies such as 3D printers. Make It Here: Inciting Creativity and Innovation in Your Library provides a complete, step-by-step guide for starting a makerspace program at your library and follows through with instructions for operation and building on your success.

This book takes you step-by-step through starting your maker program—from finding the right "makerspace mix," making a plan, and working with staff to establishing funding and support, launching your makerspace, and evaluating and refining your programs. The authors provide guidance based on their personal experiences in creating and developing maker programs in their libraries as well as feedback and lessons learned from library makers across the country. You'll see how easy it can be to bring their ideas to life in ways that will empower your community, and be encouraged to be bold and think outside of the box when imagining the possibilities.

(book description)