ALA-APA Salary Survey: Non-MLS -- Public and Academic, [Chicago, Ill.] : American Library Association/Allied Proffessional Association, 2007
From the ALA website:
Useful for non-MLS Accredited professionals seeking employment in academic and public libraries, this national survey covers 62 positions in all departments: clerks, ibrary technical assistants, copy catalogers and interlibrary loan assistants, information technology managers, human resource managers, administrative assistants, and accountants. It also includes salaries for 6 positions staff employed as librarians but who do not have an ALA-accredited MLS.
The ALA-Allied Professional Association is a nonprofit organization chartered in the State of Illinois and established “to promote the mutual professional interests of librarians and other library workers.”
The mission of the Office for Research and Statistics (ORS) is to provide leadership and expert advice to ALA staff, members, and public on all matters related to research and statistics about libraries, librarians, and other library stuff; represent the Association to Federal agencies on these issues; and initiate projects needed to expand the knowledge base of the field through research and the collection of useful statistics.