Thursday, January 24, 2008

Storytime: Not Just for Kids Anymore (book and DVD)

Multnomah County Library. (2007). Storytime: Not Just for Kids Anymore: Enhancing Library Storytime with Early Literacy Skills and Messages. [DVD and Discussion Guide]. Portland, OR: Multnomah County Library, Early Childhood Resources.

I just watched the DVD, it is an excellent storytime training for children's librarians! This DVD will show you what it is really like to integrate early literacy into storytimes. You will see librarians presenting storytimes at the library with children and parents. You will see what each early literacy skill looks like in an actual storytime, how children demonstrate each skill so you know what to look for, and get ideas about how to talk to parents about each skill. The discussion guide is aimed at presenting storytime training to a group of children's librarians, but if you are just looking to improve your own storytimes and learn more about how to integrate the early literacy skills intentionally into your storytimes you will get a lot of information and ideas from the discussion guide as well. I highly recommend checking this out!