Thursday, March 8, 2018

Crash Course in Time Management for Library Staff

Cover image for Crash Course in Time Management for Library Staff
Hough, Brenda. Crash Course in Time Management for Library Staff. Libraries Unlimited, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-4408-5067-7

This book shows how to apply time management strategies such as time tracking, task management, identifying goals and priorities, beating the obstacles of procrastination and perfectionism as well as distractions and interruptions, and staying on top of time management when collaborating.

Table of Contents 
  1. Introduction to time management
  2. How do you spend your time?
  3. Goals and priorities
  4. Basic tools for time management
  5. Getting past procrastination
  6. Overcoming perfectionism : yours and others
  7. Dealing with distractions and interruptions
  8. Collaboration
  9. Helping others with time management
  10. Your personal plan.